An Exclusive Workshop on “Enhancement of Quality on 02/12/2021in Academic Research”
Madeenathul Uloom Arabic College Research Monitoring and Advisory Committee conducted a Workshop on “Enhancement of Quality in Academic Research” on 02/12/2021 through Zoom Platform.
Dr. Sabique MK. HoD, Arabic, MES Mampad College, led the Workshop and given a fruitful delivery on the topics. All Research supervisors, faculties and research scholars attended in the same.
Dr. Sayyid Muhammed Shakir P, Principal MUA College, Pulikkal, was the chair of the workshop. Dr. Sabir Navas Asst. Professor, Department of Arabic, MUAC, Pulikkal, delivered the welcome speech. The programme came in to an end by the vote of thanks delivered by Dr. M. Basheer. Associate Professor in Arabic, MUA College, Pulikkal.